ሀበሻ እንዲህ ይላል፡፡
"ጽድቅና ኩነኔ ቢኖርም ባይኖርም ከክፋት ደግነት ሳይሻል አይቀርም፡፡"
Specially if you are a
believer of God or Allah, you should not expect a thing from anyone because God
will counts all the good deeds you have done and he'll pay you. You should
የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 7*12 "እንግዲህ ሰዎች ሊያደርጉላችሁ የምትወዱትን ሁሉ እናንተ ደግሞ እንዲሁ አድርጉላቸው፤ ሕግም ነቢያትም ይህ ነውና።"
Bini I love it so, so much. Just it teaches u'r friends